Metal Ruler 6″ | 1 |
Scalpel Handle #3 | 2 |
Scalpel Handle #4 | 2 |
Yankauer Suct Tube Stainless | 2 |
Weinstein Sterilizing Rack 11¼” | 3 |
Mayo Dissecting Scissors Straight 5½” | 1 |
Mayo Dissecting Scissors Curved 6¾” | 1 |
Hartmann Mosquito Forceps Straight Delicate Serrated 3½” | 3 |
Hartmann Mosquito Forceps Curved Delicate Serrated 3½” | 3 |
Halsted Mosquito Forceps Straight 5″ | 6 |
Halsted Mosquito Forceps Curved 5″ | 6 |
Rochester-Pean Forceps Curved 6¼” | 6 |
Rochester-Pean Forceps Curved 8″ | 3 |
Rochester-Pean Forceps Straight 6¼” | 6 |
Rochester-Pean Forceps Straight 8″ | 3 |
Rochester-Ochsner Forceps Curved 6¼” | 2 |
Rochester-Ochsner Forceps Straight 6¼” | 2 |
Rochester-Ochsner Forceps Straight 8″ | 2 |
Crile Forceps Straight 5½” | 12 |
Crile Forceps Curved 5½” | 12 |
Dressing Forceps 5½” | 2 |
Dressing Forceps 8″ | 2 |
Tissue Forceps 1×2 Teeth 5½” | 3 |
Tissue Forceps 1×2 Teeth 8″ | 1 |
Russian Tissue Forceps 8″ | 2 |
TC Mayo-Hegar Needle Holder Serrated 6″ | 2 |
TC Mayo-Hegar Needle Holder Serrated 7″ | 2 |
Operating Scissors Sharp Blunt Straight 5½” | 2 |
Operating Scissors Sharp Blunt Curved 5½” | 2 |
Stevens Tenotomy Scissors Curved 4¼” | 1 |
Probe Double End 6″ | 2 |
Probe with Eye 6″ | 2 |
Babcock Intestinal Forceps 6¼” | 2 |
Babcock Intestinal Forceps 8″ | 2 |
Allis Tissue Forceps 4×5 Teeth 6″ | 3 |
Allis Tissue Forceps 5×6 Teeth 7½” | 6 |
Adson Brown Tissue Forceps 4¾” | 2 |
Adson Forceps Serrated 4¾” | 1 |
Backhaus Towel Clamp 5¼” | 12 |
Metzenbaum Scissors Curved 9″ | 1 |
US Army Retractor (Set of 2) 8½” | 2 |
Richardson Retractor with Sklar Grip Handle Medium | 1 |
Richardson Retractor with Sklar Grip Handle Large | 1 |
Richardson-Eastman Retractor (Set of 2) | 1 |
Deaver Retractor #2 1″ x 13″ | 2 |
Deaver Retractor #0 1″ x 9″ | 2 |
Deaver Retractor #3 1½” x 12″ | 2 |
Deaver Retractor #4 2″ x 12″ | 1 |
Zalkind Ribbon Retractor Malleable ¾” x 7″ | 2 |
Zalkind Ribbon Retractor Malleable 1″ x 13″ | 2 |
Zalkind Ribbon Retractor Malleable 1½” x 13″ | 2 |
Senn Retractor Double End Sharp 6¼” | 2 |
Senn Retractor Double End Blunt 6¼” | 2 |
Balfour Abdominal Retractor 7″ | 1 |
Schnidt Hemostat Half Curved Jaws 7½” | 2 |
Metzenbaum Scissors Curved 7″ | 2 |
Foerster Sponge Forceps Straight Serrated 9½” | 2 |
Foerster Sponge Forceps Curved Serrated 9½” | 2 |
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