Cleft Palate Set

Cleft Palate Set

Cleft palate is a common birth condition that can occur alone or as part of a genetic condition or syndrome. Symptoms arise from the opening in the mouth which includes difficulty speaking and feeding. Surgery is used to restore normal function with minimal scarring.
This 24-piece set instrument is designed to assist the surgeon to perform all types of palatoplasty seamlessly.
Our cleft palate set is made from high-quality stainless steel, which guarantees durability, easy handling, and longevity.

$ 685.00

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SKU: KYFSS3456 Category: Product ID: 983


Beyer Bone Rongeur 7” 1 
Cottle Elevator Graduated, Double-Ended, 4mm Wide, 9” 1 
Cushing Dressing Forcep Serrated, 6¾” 1 
Dean Scissors Serrated, 6¾”  1 
Dingman Mouth Gag Complete with 3 Blades  1 
Fomon Lower Lateral Scissors Strong Curve, 5¼” 1 
Fomon Retractor Single Ball End, 6¾”  1 
Gillies Skin Hook 3mm, 7” 1 
Molt Periosteal Elevator #9  1 
Pennington Septum Elevator 8½”  1 
Salyer Cleft Palate Retractor Long, 7”  1 
Salyer Cleft Palate Retractor Short, 7”  1 
Salyer Nasal Lining Dissector Right Angle, Short, 7”  1 
Salyer Nasal Lining Dissector Right Angle, Long, 7” 1 
Salyer Periosteal Elevator Slight Curve, 7” 1 
Scalpel Handle No. 7, 6½”  1 
TC Crile-Wood Needle Holder Serrated, 6” 1 
TC Halsey Needle Holder Smooth, 5¼”  1 
TC Jaboma Tissue Forceps 1×2 Teeth, 7”  1 
TC Jaboma Tissue Forceps 1×2 Teeth, Angled, 7”  1 
TC Jaboma Tissue Forceps 7” 1 
TC Micro Semken Tissue Forceps 1×2 Teeth, 7” 1 
TC Semken Tissue Forceps 1×2 Teeth, 7” 1 
Woodson Elevator #1, Double-Ended, 7” 1 


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Office #1, Rashidia Street Sheikh Muhammed, UAE Office #2, Beach Street Sheikh Muhammed Bin Salem Road Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

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